5 Great Tips to Keep Your Garage Organized
Aug 06, 2014
The garage lends itself to boxes, clutter, dirt and grime. It’s easy to let it get that way too. I am sure most would rather be spending time with family, having fun with friends or just relaxing opposed to spending their weekend cleaning out the garage. It’s a task that often times gets overlooked and the job gets bigger and bigger with each passing month.
While not the most fun thing to do, cleaning out the garage can offer not only satisfaction but additional space for projects and extra storage room. While doing the leg work of cleaning out this additional room, there are certain things a homeowner can do to increase the chances the garage will stay neat and tidy and not relapse back to a cluttered, dirty state. Below are 5 tips webuyanycar.com compiled for keeping your garage organized.
1.) Mount anything and everything on wheels
It’s easier to find items, move equipment to better accommodate new things and even clean if everything is on wheels. No longer will you have to break your back or lose motivation to get the job done. You can put wheels on cabinets, drill presses, benches and if your garage is extra-large, any barstools or office equipment that may be laying around.
2.) Build and utilize an overhead rack
This idea is especially good for those who have high ceilings. Instead of letting that space go to waste, install overhead storage racks where you can house long items such as ladders and lumber. This also opens up additional space to keep some recreational items you have been thinking of purchasing like kayaks, goal posts and bicycles.
3.) Epoxy paint floor
Accidents and spills such as oil, grease and dirt easily get tracked into garages from cars, lawn mowers and home improvement projects. So when dirt strikes again, make the second round of clean up easy as can be. Epoxy paint on the floor is one of the easiest surfaces to clean. All the junk that hits the garage floor will easily brush right away making clean up a snap.
4.) Mount small parts bins to the wall.
What is even better than having everything on wheels? Having everything elevated off the floor! While this may not be practical for everything in the garage, this idea can be leveraged to organize small parts that would easily clutter a workbench or get lost in the shuffle. Bins can be created, bought or with a little ingenuity obtained from a local business that may not need them anymore. Everything stays neat and tidy, labeled and out of the way.
5.) Install pegboard to walls or as cabinet doors
Pegboard is great because you can hang almost anything on the wall and get it out of the way. Try converting one whole wall of your garage to pegboard and then using pegboard hooks to hang up a variety of tools. Better yet, if you already have cabinets installed in your garage, replace the cabinet doors with pegboard and increase the amount of items your cabinets can hold!