5 Strange World Records Involving Cars
Jun 26, 2014
Opening up a book of world records will certainly expose you to a whole world of strange activity. There are literally records for everything so we got to thinking, what are the five strangest records that involve vehicles that we can find? Well it turns out people tend to do some pretty weird things with their cars.
1.) Largest Parade of Electric Vehicles
Louis Palmer organized the largest parade of electric vehicles in Switzerland on July 6th 2013. The parade consisted of 305 total electric vehicles.
2.) Heaviest Vehicle Pulled By Hair
The heaviest vehicle pulled by nothing more than a person’s hair weighed 20,690 pounds and was pulled in India by Ajit Kumar Singh. Singh set the record in Nawada, Bihar India on September 21st 2010
3.) Longest Time Restraining a Car
Set by Franz Muellner in Tamsweg, Austria, the longest time to restrain a vehicle on full power is 13.84 seconds.
4.) Greatest Distance By A Vehicle in Reverse on Snow in 30 Seconds
This record was set by a company not an individual person. Mitsubishi Motors holds the record which was set in Canada. The greatest distance by a vehicle in reverse on snow in 30 seconds is 984 ft and 3 in.
5.) Most Vehicles to Run Over a Person
Probably the most extreme and insane of the five we found, this record is held by an American, Tom Owen who set the record in Italy. A total of 9 trucks each weighing between 3,000 and 4,000 kg ran over Tom’s stomach. That’s insane!