As new inventory rolls in during the month of February, many dealerships are looking to reduce their older models on the lot, providing many customers the opportunity to cash in on great deals! From Audi to Volkswagen, many major dealerships are offering competitive discounts at almost 10% off on many models. But before you start researching all your local cities deals, we wanted to make sure our Presidents were recognized today by placing them behind the seats of, what we believe, would be the perfect ride for them.

Abraham Lincoln.  Little known fact about our sixteenth President is that he was actually one of the only President’s to patent an idea. Of course the idea of a motor vehicle wasn’t a fathomable option in the 1850s, but transportation by boats and ferries certainly was! Abe invented a flotation system for lifting riverboats stuck on sandbars (source). That being said, if vehicles were around during Abe’s presidency we’d put him in the seat of his very own Duck Boat Tour Bus. The durability between traveling on land and water would have made a great mode of transportation. We would probably suggest adding some additional security to this mode of transportation, but overall, a Duck Boat Tour Bus would appease Lincoln’s love of the water.

William Taft. We have to respect William Taft here in the sense that he was the first President to get funds budgeted to a fleet of limousines in the White House! With a $12,000 budget, Taft brought in a Steamer, two Pierce-Arrow limousines, a “suburban,” and a landaulet (source). That being said, it is almost a no-brainer we assign Taft a limousine as his signature car… except we’re putting him behind the wheel of a 21st century limo instead of the ones he was used to being driven around in.
[Hummer Stretch Limo]

Bill Clinton. While in office, Bill Clinton made the US a Transportation Nation by passing a $50 billion transportation bill. We can't ignore that.. or his reputation! We're giving Bill an Aston Martin One-77. The One-77 is a supercar with a name as unique as its style and approach to performance. Though it comes with a hefty price tag, we are certain Bill will be turning heads in this ride; let's just hope his heart can handle it.
[Aston Martin One-77]

George W. Bush. Though it would be funny to stick this guy in a Hybrid, it just wouldn't be practical. We couldn't stray from W's signature vehicle of a truck and we admire the dedication to his Ford F250. We put him in a newer model with all the specs! This truck will allow him to navigate around his 1300 acre farm in Texas without any worries.
[Ford F250]

Barack Obama.  At first, a family oriented vehicle came to mind. But after thinking about it we decided to put Barack on a motorcycle. And not just any motorcycle - the ECOSSE Titanium Series RR550x. Though it may not seem financially practical, Barack Obama's lifestyle choices, his fashionista First Lady, and a need to navigate through the busy streets of DC, it only made sense that our President had a motorcycle for easy accessibility around the city - all while matching his personality. Sure, he has a fleet of Secret Service limos all around, but sometimes you just have to get out on the open road and clear your head -- especially when you're the President of the United States.
[ECOSSE Titanium Series RR550x]

So you may not be planning on getting into a ride of Presidential caliber this President's Day weekend, but one thing we can all agree on is that you want to avoid hours in the dealership and getting shorted on the value of your car! Visit for your free valuation! Find out the value of your car, schedule your appointment and in minutes you can walk out of one of our many offices with a check able to be deposited that day and used toward your new purchase at a dealership!  We buy any make, any model, any year. So whether your car’s term was shorter than a Presidential candidacy, or it’s a bit dated, you don’t have to worry at WeBuyAnyCar! You’ll walk out of our offices feeling like the President of the United States too! Don’t forget to share your photos with us on Instagram and Tweet us using the #WeBuyAnyCarhashtag.

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