With the rising cost of gas and car repairs, along with the damage that vehicles do to the environment, it’s important to consider carpooling whenever possible. Carpools are great for going to work, driving kids to and from activities and sports practices, or getting to and from the airport during the holiday season. Are you considering carpooling? If so, we want to offer some of our tips on how to make carpooling an easy, effective way to travel.

Determine a route and schedule.
This is an obvious tip, but it’s important to determine a route and schedule when setting up a carpool. While it may seem that everyone is nearby and can be picked up in whatever order is convenient, it’s best for all involved to have an idea of when the driver will be making each stop.

Establish rules and policies.
Create simple rules that to ensure that everyone feels comfortable. Are you allowed to smoke? Can someone take a call on their cell phone? How long will the driver wait if you’re late? These rules will make sure that everyone is on the same page and comfortable being part of the carpool.

Put a chain of communication in effect.
There may be days where someone in the carpool doesn’t need a ride. To effectively manage the carpool and make sure everyone is on the same page, create a chain of communication. It could be something as simple as putting the driver for the week in charge and having all carpoolers get in touch with that person.

Decide on splitting costs and a reimbursement plan.
Our suggestion here is to fill the car up Monday morning, and then have carpoolers split that cost and reimburse the driver on Tuesday morning.

Keep your carpool for the purpose it was intended.
Oftentimes, people run their errands when they’re already out and about. In a carpool situation, however, this isn’t a good idea, because everyone in the carpool may not be interested in stopping at the grocery store or dry cleaners.

Carpooling is a great way to save money and to do your part in going green. These are some of our suggestions for carpooling, but we want to hear what tips have worked for you on Facebook or Twitter.

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