Cold Weather Tips For Your Car
Jan 22, 2014
A majority of the country is experiencing cold weather conditions. This current winter has been colder than normal, producing large amount of snow and ice. These conditions can be treacherous for drivers and their cars. Cold weather can freeze fuel lines, drain batteries and even crack engine blocks.
To keep motorists on the road, as opposed to the side of the road, here are some cold weather tips to help keep cars running.
- Make sure your gas tank is at least half full at all times. This will help to avoid frozen gas lines.
- Make sure you have the proper amount of antifreeze. Too much water or too little antifreeze can lead to a crack in your engine block.
- Check your battery and replace it if it’s been too long. If the battery dies you are going to need a jump to get started again, something that might not be readily accessible on a dark, snowy road.
- Avoid using the parking brake if at all possible. It can freeze in place leaving you stranded.
- Always warm up your vehicle before driving. The longer the better but a minimum of five minutes will help get the oil moving through the engine.
- Keep a winter survival kit in your car in case of emergencies. Great items to have in your kit include an abrasive material like sand or kitty litter, a cell phone charger, warm blankets and clothes.