Five Important Tips for Summer Driving
May 08, 2013
Driving during the summer months may not seem as stressful as driving in the winter, but it can prove to be just as demanding and stressful. Without knowing these five major changes to summer driving as opposed to winter driving, you may find yourself in a dangerous position. Do you know what to look for?
Construction Zones. Summer months are the times many states take to the road to tackle their construction projects. Being aware of the speed limit is critical to avoid not only an accident in a shoulder-less work zone, but also to avoid the chance of being pulled over for speeding in a work zone. During construction times, traffic slows down and becomes congested. Know the time of construction as well as avoid major travel times to avoid an extra headache on the road.
Out Of Town Visitors. Whether out-of-towners are looking to get a glimpse at the crack in the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, shop in New York City or explore the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, many of our locations are near major cities, meaning major summer vacation go-to spots. Out of town drivers are not only unfamiliar with the streets or speed limits, but they may also be distracted by the sights they normally do not see. Driving cautiously and not being aggressive will make having these guests in your city a more enjoyable experience and though you can't change the fact these drivers will be in the city, you can change the approach you take to sharing the road with them.
Cyclists. Summer months mean more cyclists on the road. Whether you're sharing the road with a motorcyclist or bicyclist, it is very important to be aware of your surroundings. It is crucial to maintain a safe traveling distance between the two and also be aware to observe any hand signals letting you know the intent of the driver. Cyclists are considered equal on the road so they should be treated as one.
Young Drivers. As school lets out, many young, less experienced drivers take to the road. If you are a parent to one of these young drivers who may not have experienced summer driving scenarios before, it is important to review these tips with them as well as reiterate the importance of not texting while driving or driving under the influence. Your involvement in your child's driving behavior can help them in any critical driving scenarios they may be faced with. It is also important for those more experienced drivers to not drive as aggressively as an intimidating driving situation for a younger driver may cause them to be more sporadic with their driving reactions.
As the seasons and driving scenarios change, keeping these important tips in mind for better driving will help you get from Point A to Point B-B-Q much faster and with less stress! Remember to take it easy on the road and enjoy the summer while it's here!