Fuel Saving Tips
Jan 14, 2015

With the cold weather also playing a factor into your vehicle’s fuel economy, we figured now was a good a time as any to discuss money saving tips. Saving money at the pump each week really adds up, so here are some tips to help improve your fuel efficiency.
Monitor Your Tires’ Air Pressure: Under inflated tires or poorly aligned wheels waste fuel by forcing the engine to work harder. Under inflated tires don’t just eat up MPG’s, they are also dangerous. They create a greater risk of a blow out or a flat tire.
Remove Unnecessary Items: Carry only the bare minimum when traveling. That means clearing out your trunk of unnecessary baggage. Store only essentials in the trunk. Less weight means better mileage.
Drive Smart: Abrupt increases in speed will eat up fuel. Pay attention to traffic and anticipate what is happening down the road. Adjust your speed gradually to save fuel costs.
Use Cruise Control: A human’s driving speed tends to fluctuate. Cruise control takes the human element out of the equation and helps keep speed steady.
Keep Your Vehicle Tuned Up: A well-maintained engine operates at peak efficiency, maximizing gas mileage. Follow the service schedules listed in the owner's manual. You may spend some money upfront but you will be saving in the long run.
Be Smart About Air Conditioning: Having your windows open while on the highway creates drag and reduces fuel efficiency. Using the air conditioning on the highway is a smart choice, but when you are driving in the city with stop-and-go traffic, it’s best to turn the air conditioning off and roll down the windows.