High Demand for Used Cars
Feb 22, 2013
Have you been toying with the idea of selling your used car for a new model? Last week, the Wall Street Journal made it a point to remark on the high demand of used cars. The article mentions that the shortage of used cars has stemmed from the “deep plunge in new-car sales between 2008 and 2010, and the virtual disappearance of new-car leases during the financial crisis." The result? Many three-year-old cars are now more difficult to find and even holding their value.
"Right now, you turn on the news, it is all bad economic news except for auto sales and housing," Doug Waikem, Ohio car dealer, said. "It is a combination of some lowest interest rates in history, and the highest used car values in history."
The demand for these models have increased their value on webuyanycar. Using webuyanycar.com over trying to privately sell or trade in at a dealership has its immediate advantages. Many people receive a higher value for their used car when they sell privately. In addition, using webuyanycar.com allows a fast, friendly and safe service so you don’t have to worry about the hassle of creating ads or adjusting your schedule to show your car. Lastly, the ability to get a check within 30 minutes of your appointment is a nice perk to using webuyanycar.com!
“High used-car values give buyers more equity on trade-ins and they also make the value equation better for getting a new car, which often has new features and lower financing rates or other incentives that used cars lack.”
If you haven’t sold your used car yet, now is the perfect time to do so! Sell your car today before you miss the demand for your car! Visit webuyanycar.com to get started on your valuation and to find out the value of your car!
Source: (Ramsey, Mike. “Amid New Car Boom Used Cars are Gold.” Wall Street Journal. 2/20/13)