Top Five Fantasy Vehicles to Drive in the Snow
Jan 31, 2013
We were inspired to think of a Winter Fantasy Driving League that lists our Top 5 Fantasy Vehicles to drive in the snow.
5. Zamboni
4. Polaris 800 Switchback Pro-R
This particular make and model of snowmobile caught our eye because it has rear suspension and can handle bumps well at high speeds, both on and off the trails. Although it costs more than most used vehicles, it’s fun to imagine that we’re riding the Polaris 800 in an elaborate chase sequence in an action movie, expertly dodging enemy fire and trees alike before we ride on to save the world- when in reality we’re simply trying to stay upright and not severely injure ourselves.
3. Audi R8 Razor GTR
Jon Olsson is a Swedish born professional freeskier and Alpine ski racer. So if we’re going to trust anyone’s expertise when it comes to driving on snow,it’s going to be him. Jon drives an Audi R8 Razor GTR right onto the mountain because it has a custom carbon fiber ski box on top that features LED lighting and an independently powered ski-boot warmer. Not to mention the 600 hp with a V10 engine. If he won’t let us borrow it for a test drive, then we definitely want to ride shotgun.
2. Hummer Snow Tracks
Where we’re going, we don’t need roads. Especially not if we’re driving a Hummer H3 equipped with Snow Tracks. This snow beast proves that slow and steady wins the off-road race thanks to the great torque power of this 4x4 SUV. The rugged Hummer H3 was built to drive in the harshest environments without sacrificing luxury and it does not disappoint. Most people love it at first ride, claiming that it’s a head turner that is extremely capable, yet really fun to drive, in the winter - making it a must-have on our list.
1. T-47 Snowspeeder
We don’t know if there’s a Star Wars fan out there who hasn’t dreamed of what it would be like to be a part of the Rebel Forces who help defend the Echo Base in the Battle of Hoth. If you’ve ever played Star Wars Rogue Squadron, then you’ve gotten a taste of what it would be like to pilot a snowspeeder and use your magnetic harpoons and tow cables to take down those gigantic AT-ATs, but a video game pales in comparison to what the experience would really be like. Although this vehicle flies over the snowy terrain instead of on it, according to Wookieepedia the airspeeder was modified to function in extremely cold climates, adding heaters to drive units and de-icing nozzles to prevent icing on control surfaces. While the other vehicles might be attainable (with the right lotto numbers), the T-47 Snowspeeder tops our list for the Winter Fantasy Driving League because it is, in fact, straight up fantasy...unfortunately.
We hope you have a safe (and hopefully mild) winter. For some tips on how to prep your car for winter, click here and drive safe! Is there a vehicle you would like to add to our list?If you have other pics to share, or any more tips to prep your car for winter,post them on our Facebook page or Tweet them to us!