If you have outstanding finance on your vehicle, in almost all cases we can still buy it. We will need to obtain a 10-day pay-off letter from the lender confirming the amount needed to settle the outstanding finance. This can be done by simply calling your lender and asking for a 10-day dealer payoff be sent directly to us either by fax or email.  We also need the full account number so we can handle the pay-off directly with the lender and receive the title.

After appraising the vehicle and agreeing a price, we will deduct the purchase price from the finance pay-off. If your vehicle is worth more than the pay-off amount, we will provide you with a check for the positive equity. If your vehicle is worth less than the pay-off, this is known as negative equity, and you will have to pay the difference to us by cashier’s check or credit / debit card payment. In either case, we will pay the finance company directly.

Note that payment from us will be received by your finance company within 3 to 4 business days, however it may take your finance company 5 to 10 business days before crediting the funds to your account.

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