2025 Volkswagen New Golf
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If you want to find out about your Volkswagen New Golf’s value then look no further. We can give you a Volkswagen New Golf valuation online within minutes with just a few details about your car. We guarantee to give you an accurate price based on the information you give us about the car’s age, mileage and condition. Don’t risk losing money by selling your car privately for the wrong price when it’s so easy to get an online valuation with us. We can then complete the sale in less than 20 minutes at your nearest depot. It really is the simplest and safest way to sell you Volkswagen New Golf.

In 2009 Volkswagen redesigned the Golf for its return to the US market after a few years of Rabbit taking over as the latest ‘hot hatch.’ The new design is sleeker and more aerodynamic than previous models and also has a more powerful 2.5L gasoline engine. These gasoline versions have 5-speed manual transmission in their 3-door models or 6-speed automatic transmission in the 5-door model. There is also a clean diesel TDI model available with a 2.0L engine, which is paired with a 6-speed automatic or manual transmission. Standard features of the New Golf include driver and passenger airbags, anti-lock brakes, traction and stability control, power windows and door locks, air-conditioning and a CD player. Optional extras that may be found on a New Golf include a DVD player, front heated seats, and sunroof.

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  • Volkswagen New Golf Hatchback 2D GL TDI
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